As you approach your second year of training, many of you may be getting serious about your job search. This is the perfect time to create and utilize a job search tracker to help you stay organized. Any spreadsheet application should work well for this purpose, and it should be easily accessible to you throughout your day. This might seem like an oversimplification, but it is quite easy to make mistakes when you are on the job hunt and trying to recall which practice you have spoken to, which one you are waiting to hear from, and which one may be a new practice you have yet to apply to. Putting everything in once place can help you stay ahead of the game. Having detailed notes to help you recall specific interactions and anecdotes can go along way practices, physicians, and recruiters. A little extra organization on your end can yield more productive conversations with potential employers and hopefully help you land the job you want.
Create a job search tracker using Excel, Google Sheets or similar.
Some items we recommend tracking include:
- Practice name
- Practice location
- Name/email/phone number of your contact at each practice
- Items of most importance to YOU in your job search: compensation, call requirements, vacation time, bonuses, visa assistance, partnership, etc.
- Keeping a detailed progress log for each practice can prevent duplicate submissions which may show lack of attention to detail to potential employers or recruiters
- Outlining the details of each opportunity and what is offered will allow you to compare, rank, and eliminate job options more easily
- Jotting notes into your tracker from interviews right after they happen will help you from conflating opportunities with one another and give you a great jumping off point for subsequent interviews with the same group
You can view a sample tracker below.
If you have any questions about your job search, please contact us directly anytime at